Thank you for choosing Z-DBackup

Do you have any questions?

You want to know how to use Z-DBackup, but don’t know how? Check out our online manual for help with Z-DBackup.

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Online Manual

Z-DBackups Online Manual

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Z-DBackups Manual as PDF

Feature requests und Bugs

In case you find errors or have suggestions for improvement, please send an e-mail to our support team or create a new ticket in our ticket system

What should you include in a ticket?

A detailed description of the error

The more information regarding the error or problem you encountered you provide us with the easier it is for us to help you. Your provided information can help us reproduce the error.

Log File

Please send us the log file of the backup set that produced the error. The log file contains vital information we need to be able to help you.


Please provide us with screenshots if you think they will help us understand the problem further.